
6 2022

The Tiger Within + Awards

6:30PM - 8:00PM  

The New Vic Theatre 33 West Victoria Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 965-5400

Contact Mike Witt
(805) 957-1115

The unlikely friendship between Samuel, an elderly, lonely Holocaust survivor, and Casey, an angry 14-year-old runaway is the premise of this inspiring, redemptive story about the power of forgiveness and unconditional love to transform lives and overcome ignorance, fear, and hate.

As the story unfolds, Samuel and Casey form a powerful bond, which gradually blossoms into a new family unit —
him providing her the support and guidance that was lacking in her life, and her offering him the glimpse of the fatherhood that was tragically torn from him in Dachau.

Film followed by SBJFF Awards Ceremony.